Peter Goodair Photography
Mountain Voyages of a Photographer
Welcome to Peter Goodair Photography. I have been fascinated by mountains as long as I can remember and love to share their beauty and wonder with others through my interest in photography. I hope you enjoy the images here, filled as they are with so many great memories for me.

About Me
Growing up, I always had a passion for photography. I loved how the camera could capture in the blink of an eye the essence of a moment or the mood or drama of a subject. It seemed to me to be the perfect way to enhance my love and appreciation of mountains. While my photographic work also includes other subjects it is to the mountains that I most love to return.
In the past I have dabbled with black and white film photography and very recently ventured back into the mono world. Inspired by the images and words of Peter Turnley I have discovered the joys of engaging with and photographing people.
The photo opposite was taken in the Rosegg Valley in the Engadine Alps by my good friend David Dear.
Uncompressed versions of all my photographs on this site are available on my Flickr pages. You can access them here:
Amazing Mountains
These photographs are of some of my favourite mountains. Each picture takes me back to a time spent in magnificent mountain scenery. Whether on gaining a ridge or rounding a bend I am often spellbound by the beauty of the landscape around me. Excitement takes over before I have had time to catch my breath and my first thought is always to check the the scene through the camera's viewfinder.
NB. Double click an image to view full screen.

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
These photographs were taken on a visit to the beautiful Lake District in September 2020. The damp and cloudy conditions added drama to the amazing mountain scenery found in this corner of England.
NB. Click on the photo to view the full image.

Black & White
Captured in black and white images of mountain scenery can look amazing. The strong tonal contrast of black and white works wonderfully with snow, ice, clouds and rock with dramatic results. Add to that the multifarious textures seen in rock and vegetation and all the essential ingredients are present to produce some memorable images.
NB. Click image to expand.

Journey into Street Photography
I recently had the good fortune to join a photography workshop in Paris given by Peter Turnley, a world renowned photographer. This was an inspirational experience for me and I share here some of my images in this genre of photography.
Commercial Enquiries
My work is copyright protected. If you wish to use any of my images for commercial purposes please email your enquiry to me and provide contact details.